Open Access Book Publication
Cultures in Mountain Areas : Comparative Perspectives / Culture in aree di montagna: prospettive comparative / Kulturen in Gebirgsregionen: Vergleichende Perspektiven
Eds. Tobias Boos and Daniela Salvucci
With contributions from: Dionigi Albera, Denise Y. Arnold, Tobias Boos, Domenico Branca, Andreas Haller, Giovanni Kezich, Konrad J. Kuhn, Jon Mathieu, Daniela Salvucci, Pier Paolo Viazzo and Roberta Clara Zanini
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ENG: Comparative studies of mountain areas have long been at the core of the discussion about the relations between nature and culture as well as on environmental and social change. This volume searches for ways to develop further critical comparative perspectives in the study of cultures in mountain areas by drawing inter- and transdisciplinary links amongst anthropology, geography, folklore studies, montology, and global history. Drawing on examples mostly from the Alps and the Andes, but also extending to the global mountains, the authors explore socioecological environments, historical and political processes, borderscapes, demographic dynamics, forms of domestic organization, rituals, religiosities, and human-non-human-relations.
DE: Vergleichende Studien über Bergregionen stehen seit langem im Zentrum der Debatte über das Verhältnis zwischen Natur und Kultur sowie über den ökologischen und sozialen Wandel. Dieser Band sucht nach Wegen, kritische vergleichende Perspektiven in der Erforschung von Kulturen in Bergregionen weiterzuentwickeln, indem er inter- und transdisziplinäre Verbindungen zwischen Anthropologie, Geographie, Volkskunde, Montologie und (Welt-)Geschichte zieht. Anhand von Beispielen vor allem aus den Alpen und den Anden, aber auch aus anderen Gebirgsregionen der Welt, untersuchen die Autor*innen sozioökologische Umwelten, historische und politische Prozesse, Grenzlandschaften, demografische Dynamiken, Formen der häuslichen Organisation, Rituale, Religiosität und Mensch-Nicht-Mensch-Beziehungen.
IT: Gli studi comparativi sulle aree montane sono da tempo al centro del dibattito sul rapporto tra natura e cultura e sui cambiamenti ecologici e sociali. Questo volume è alla ricerca di nuovi percorsi per sviluppare ulteriormente prospettive comparative critiche per lo studio delle culture delle aree montane, tracciando collegamenti inter- e transdisciplinari tra antropologia, geografia, studi di folklore, montologia e storia globale. Basandosi su esempi provenienti soprattutto dalle Alpi e dalle Ande, ma estendendo l’orizzonte anche ad altre regioni montane a livello globale, le autrici e gli autori esplorano ambienti socio-ecologici, processi storici e politici, paesaggi di confine, dinamiche demografiche, forme di organizzazione domestica, rituali, religiosità e relazioni tra umani e non-umani.
Call for Papers for Panel Envi04: Changing communities in mountain areas between certainties and uncertainties (SIEF2023-Conference 07-10 June 2023)
The call is open till 10 January 2023
Venue: In presence at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Tobias Boos (Free University Bolzano-Bozen)
Daniela Salvucci (Free University Bolzano-Bozen)
Pier Paolo Viazzo (University of Turin)
Roberta Clara Zanini (University of Turin)
Abstract: “Change” has been one of the main topics in the study of communities in mountain areas, at least since the 1970s. It has often been understood in relation to modernization, as a linear and irreversible socioeconomical process, leading both to development, from peasant to farming and tourist managers’ communities, for instance, as well as to local decline, abandon, and depopulation. Nevertheless, ethnographic and demographic investigations conducted in Europe in the past few decades have revealed contradictions and variability in change-dynamics, highlighting the impact of recent migration flows, the role of new inhabitants, and the many forms of negotiation on how living together, including different visions and even conflicts on practices of resource management, sustainability, and heritage. Outside Europe, researchers have underlined the emergence of new political, cultural, and ecological awareness of mountain areas’ indigenous people fighting against the environmental exploitation of their territories. All these communities are by no means bounded and isolated entities, but connected at regional, national, and global level. In our current times, marked by multi-crises in politics, global economy and above all climate change these changing communities are facing multiform uncertainties, while sharing at the same time the certainty of permanent and various risks.
This panel calls for presentations on everyday practices of coping with, resisting, adapting to, interpreting, and framing change and transformation in mountain communities, in Europe and worldwide. It focuses on empirical studies, but also welcomes theoretical and epistemological reflections, within sociocultural sciences and humanities, in comparative, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective.
All proposals of max. 249 words for the long abstract and max 299 characters (including spaces) for the short version, must be submitted via the website of the panel Click Here
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